Beautiful but deadly

‘AN ARIZONA TRAGEDY: Inspired by True Phoenix, AZ homicide’

Beautiful but Deadly

By BR Chitwood

The desert has been a major part of my life for many years, and I love its sweltering heat and its constant sun, all its wonderful species of Cacti – the Cholla family that loves to jump on people, the giant multi-armed Saguaros, Barrel, Organ Pipe, Prickly Pear, to name a few.

Strange ‘love’, one might say, but I’m not the only fan of this sunny climate and 100-plus temp days. Most of my adoration has come from the beautifully designed golf course oases, but most Summer days are spent in air conditioned rooms, viewing the desert splendor through the windows, and it is true, if one is wandering about in this different kind of beauty, he/she must be aware that we share the land with Rattle snakes, Gopher snakes, King snakes, all brands of the venomous wigglers, but the good news, most of these ‘bad guys’ don’t come out of hiding until the cooler PMs.

We have a Monsoon season when the rains come and cools our earth for a while. People who enjoy lots of sunshine spend their Winter months here in the desert, play their golf and tennis, and return to their permanent homes when the Arizona heat comes.

I have had my sojourns in other states and in Mexico on the Sea of Cortez, but Arizona is where my heart is, where I’ve met lovely women, had glorious love affairs, married, played my golf, and have been a steady customer at some of the best restaurants and bars in Phoenix.

Phoenix will be my last stop by my reckoning. While I was terrorizing southern California for a time, my Mom purchased burial plots for my sister, for me, and for herself. Mom and Sis are already resting in their spots under a nice shade tree in North Phoenix, but they will have to wait a spell for me as I have more living to do, more writing to do, and, when this Covid-19 has run its course, Julie Anne and I will be visiting some of those great eating and drinking houses.

Sorry I got lost in my love for Phoenix in this post. I was going to mention a dear lady who was brutally murdered here – a model/actress friend of my wife and me…I wanted to mention the novel I wrote on that brutal murder years ago. It is my fictional account of that murder – all based on local news reports, library microfiche, and the mutual friends of our murdered comrade…the homicide has not been solved, so, please, if anyone has any information about the case, please call the Phoenix Police Dept., ‘Cold Case Division’. Thank you.

I hope you will read the book… “An Arizona Tragedy – A Bailey Crane Mystery – #1” of 6 other mystery books written about real crimes.

Details on “An Arizona Tragedy” and all of my books are on my Website:

It’s my hope that, by reading “An Arizona Tragedy”, you will want to read more of my twenty books. They are all on Amazon…and, hopefully, you will leave Amazon Reviews.

Thanks, and my Best Wishes to you.

BR Chitwood -September 1, 2020

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Author: Website: - B R Chitwood - My Mission: Writing to Discover Me

I'm a young man in an old man's body, trying to catch up to myself, trying to find pieces of me I left back in a disconnected youth and the early years of manhood. I'm a stereotype of many in my generation who can play the 'blame game', yell 'foul', and 'let's start over'. But, we are what we are, the sum of all the scary kid-emotions we experienced, the gin mills and piano bars that became our sandboxes of pleasure - lotus eaters of the best (or, worst) kind, the love affairs that did not quite settle us down, the sad poetry and songs written in bars and motels along the way... A Dreamer! A Wanderlust! The world needs such fools as we to write our books, our poetry, our songs, to offset the madness that plagues the soul. I've written fourteen books, over three hundred blog posts, in search of those pieces left somewhere in many parts of the globe. You can preview my books on the next page. There's even a Blog page...all my posts are not showing on this recently created blog page, but, if you want to read more, go to my official blog site and check out the archives: http://www.thefinalcurtain1 Writing for me is therapy for the soul. Website:

7 thoughts on “Beautiful but deadly”

  1. Thank you, Billy Ray, I just bought my copy for Kindle. An Arizona Tragedy is in-line now…and hopefully, I’ll be reading it before Thanksgiving. I know I won’t be disappointed, as I’ve loved every book of yours that I’ve read. ♥

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  2. I love it when you talk about your desert, BillyRay. I have spent some wonderful times in Arizona so I know what you mean. I have a painting by the artist Buck McCain who for a time lived in Tuscon. I actually went to his studio and bought the painting while he was working on it. I think it was in 1984 or so. I loved Tuscon for Its old west feel.

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    1. Thank you, John…guess much of my love and fascination with Arizona is its space, its sun, and its barren land…as a kid, I loved my cowboy movies on Saturdays in Tennessee…and was overjoyed when I finally made it to Arizona in the 60’s. ‘Old Tucson’ is the home for many hollywood Western ‘shootem-ups’! A great tourist attraction… 🙂

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  3. I’m going to have to move this up my list, Billy. My Aunt loves Arizona and the heat too. I’m more of a cold weather person, although Flagstaff was intriguing.

    Liked by 1 person

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