Sought and Fought for Naught

Sought and Fought for Naught

-Nine Haikus All in a Row, with a Theme-


It was never clear

That dream-set inside of me

Along each new day…


The abstract nature

Of my humble beginnings

Ever in my way…


On the lonely trek

Were stark ugly mementos

To echo my past…


Then, into Twilight

Doubts and fears were soon to pass

As my mind could fast…


At last it did seem

That olden days meant little

To a now dull mind…


Ahead comes darkness

Morphing to eternal light

Perhaps, to happily dream.


But, if not to dream,

Then, perchance, darkness alone,

Shakespeare did foretell.


Demons come and go

Through dark eternal passages

Shadowed walls of Hell.


Doth Fate have in store

This horror scene, prithee tell,

What is heaven for?


-Nine Haikus with which to explain a Life-

By Billy Ray Chitwood – 01/26/19

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Author: Website: - B R Chitwood - My Mission: Writing to Discover Me

I'm a young man in an old man's body, trying to catch up to myself, trying to find pieces of me I left back in a disconnected youth and the early years of manhood. I'm a stereotype of many in my generation who can play the 'blame game', yell 'foul', and 'let's start over'. But, we are what we are, the sum of all the scary kid-emotions we experienced, the gin mills and piano bars that became our sandboxes of pleasure - lotus eaters of the best (or, worst) kind, the love affairs that did not quite settle us down, the sad poetry and songs written in bars and motels along the way... A Dreamer! A Wanderlust! The world needs such fools as we to write our books, our poetry, our songs, to offset the madness that plagues the soul. I've written fourteen books, over three hundred blog posts, in search of those pieces left somewhere in many parts of the globe. You can preview my books on the next page. There's even a Blog page...all my posts are not showing on this recently created blog page, but, if you want to read more, go to my official blog site and check out the archives: http://www.thefinalcurtain1 Writing for me is therapy for the soul. Website:

16 thoughts on “Sought and Fought for Naught”

  1. Billy Ray, you always have a bit more cleverness left over to amaze me. I enjoyed your Shakespeare reference, in which, I believe the bard was referencing Plato referencing Socrates’ death options. Well done, my good and wise friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, thank you, good Jay…you know how to please! Incidentally, I’m still unable to offer a comment on your blog. I did read your three glorious suggestions for a happier new year for all of us and applaud, as always, your astute observations. It always occurred to me that you were my true and wise friend, and you put a ‘happy face’ to the end of my week by proclaiming me a true and wise friend… I’m most honored! ♥ (Oh, yes, it was your ‘newsletter’, but still can’t navigate your blog…)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That is odd that you are having trouble commenting on my blog, but thank you for giving me feedback on my New Year’s piece–but wasn’t that on my Newsletter? I’m just happy you’re reading my stuff. I’m not as prolific as you, or as playful, as judged by your Haiku suite–or that occupied the whole freakin’ lower floor.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, to have ‘just’ the ‘throw aways’ from your productive mind, I would be flying ‘first class’ to my fancy’s choosing…make that ‘would have been’ in lieu of ‘would be’! Yes, I read your ‘stuff’, gain insight, and inspiration! So, two words, KEEP WRITING! ♥


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